Purpose and Goals
CHTN's Purpose
The Carolinas Horticultural Therapy Network is a community dedicated to growing the practice of horticultural therapy and therapeutic horticulture through promoting professional education, sharing best practices, and facilitating a peer network for ongoing collaboration.
The Carolinas Horticultural Therapy Network is just that: a network of people in North & South Carolina who are connecting, motivating and inspiring one another in the fields of horticultural therapy (HT) and other plant-centered therapeutic practices. Membership is open to all who share our purpose, from the newly-interested individual to the seasoned veteran horticultural therapist.
CHTN's Goals
To connect people in North and South Carolina and the broader region who hold a shared interest in the practice of horticultural therapy.
To provide information and education about horticultural therapy and its practices through in-person and online meetings, conferences, forums and social media, and to promote the professional development of its members.
To maintain a relationship with the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), represent the interests and needs of the members of Carolinas Horticultural Therapy Network to AHTA and become part of the larger fabric of regional groups in the United States with a focus on horticultural therapy.
To promote the practice of horticultural therapy across the region as an effective therapeutic modality in wide-ranging settings.